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From: sabrina downard Date: 20:28 on 25 May 2006 Subject: And a simple auxiliary hate. How about: I hate it when I switch mail readers and the reply defaults change from "reply to all" to "reply to original sender only," and I send a couple responses which were meant to have gone to the list directly to the senders. (Clearly not my fault. Each mailreader assumes it knows best what I want to do, and one of them is wrong. Therefore it's hateful! (Which I originally mistyped as "helpful." I'm aghast at my Freudian slip.) (And actually, both of them are wrong -- but one is more wrong than the other.)) ex post apologia, --s.
From: sabrina downard Date: 15:53 on 25 May 2006 Subject: A simple hate today. If you do not have a better use for -h, and you have coded a usage statement for --help, then how damned difficult would it be to make -h equal to --help? Since you're already going to print a damned error telling me to use --help instead? I was clearly already asking for help, you idiots. Taunting me just pisses me off. bitchily, --s.
From: sabrina downard Date: 13:37 on 24 Jan 2006 Subject: Quicken for Mac likes its defaults Dear Quicken: If I should happen to set my Date and Time preferences to display dates as DD/MM/YY instead of MM/DD/YY, and you should then helpfully convert the dates as received from my financial institutions from MM/DD/YY to DD/MM/YY, do you not think it is slightly less than helpful to then complain that every transaction has an invalid date until I rewrite it as MM/DD/YY, whereupon you accept the transaction and display the date as DD/MM/YY? I suppose I'm just glad I discovered that behavior on a day after the 12th, or who knows what you would have done to my damn dates. My January mortgage payment would have been paid in July or something. hatefully, --s.
From: sabrina downard Date: 21:07 on 31 Oct 2005 Subject: safari this may have been hated on before. *i* may have hated on it before. but it never really gets old, does it, because it keeps happening. dear safari: if you cannot be bothered to have a "are you sure that you really want to close this window, which has a lot of open tabs in it?" dialogue box, the very least you can do is to put the back button a little bit farther away from the red X of doom. full of bitter hate and mourning the tabs which i have forgotten how i got there so now i can't get back, and really the next time i spend fifteen minutes installing some stupid update that forces me to reboot so that steve jobs can attempt to sell me something else you ought to at least give me that damned confirmation dialogue box, --s.
From: sabrina downard Date: 21:06 on 06 Oct 2005 Subject: Dear iCal. You are lame. Dear iCal: Sometimes I have to schedule several items to occur at the same time. Such as when I am going to, say, attend a conference and I want to make a printout to put in my day planner so I can look at them all and then pick and choose which one to attend. Sometimes, these events may be arranged in groupings -- such as, during any one given day, there may be, say, three rooms in use simultaneously. It would be awfully nice of you to let me arrange my events in columns so I could glance down a column and see what all's going on in a given room. No, instead you seem to use some sort of crack-addled mechanism for choosing the order in which to list events, left to right. Sometimes I can trick you, by changing the time of an event and then changing it back, and thereby pile things on at the right as they get pushed left. But then I pick up the printout, and you've made a special rearrangement just for the paper version. This, for the record, is lame. You're going to force me to use a plain text document just to get columns. Lame. Lame. Lame! love, --sabrina. (and no, the categories don't help because you still scatter them hither and yon, i don't have a color printer, and i sort of resent having to have a tie-dyed calendar just because you're lame.)
From: sabrina downard Date: 16:51 on 09 Sep 2005 Subject: Colors Suck. "Black and white text is boring. With colors your file comes to life. This not only looks nice, it also speeds up your work." black and white text is legible on my xterm, you goddamned presumptively default configured pile of /shit/. if i wanted syntax highlighting and all my twiddles turned dark blue, i know how to do it my own damn self. i hate logging on to a new system and having to adjust my .profile and .exrc to override all the whiz-bang shiny defaults that all the clever fifteen year-olds think are required. setting a path? reasonable. setting up color defaults for everything from ls to vim to my damned command-line prompt? knock it off! hatefully, -s.
From: sabrina downard Date: 23:14 on 19 Jun 2005 Subject: Linefeeds How many years have the various operating systems been doing their own thing with regard to what marks the end of a line? Can we agree on something yet, please, for the love of bog? I really don't feel that I'm asking for too much, here, it not being 1985 anymore and all. hatefully, --s. p.s. Yes, iTunes -- exporting files that vi/awk/et al. on the same bedamned machine sees as two extremely long lines, and that only because one of the MP3s contained a comment which had a linefeed in it -- I'm looking at you.
From: sabrina downard Date: 19:35 on 05 May 2005 Subject: Perpetually Damaged Appliance. I have a PowerBook. I recently rebuilt it, as things were succumbing to entropy and being eminently hatable. So, copy stuff to an external disk, reinstall, copy things back. Everything worked great. Even HotSyncing my replacement palm -- HotSyncing had broken ages ago; at least six or eight months, but that didn't matter as the Palm was broken too. But I got a replacement, one of the same model that a coworker was no longer interested in. Anyways, rebuilt the laptop, copied over my Documents folder, and Palm Desktop saw all of my PDA "users" for various gadgets I've had over time, I told it this one was the palm, and lo! it synched everything back up just dandy. Until yesterday, when it mysteriously broke. Now, I press the HotSync button, the palm initiates the connection, HotSync Manager pops up the "connecting" dialogue ... and then immediately pops up "Unexpected error [-1]." Oh, it's an *unexpected* error, is it. That clears everything up. (And that -1 means a lot, too. Very helpful. Appreciate that.) Grrrr. So what do I do, but start poking around, looking for things that might have changed. Okay. Mutter mutter fucking Oracle Calendar fucking sync conduits must have fucking broken it[0], surprise surprise, mutter mutter. Disable the conduits. Pull out the only Oracle-looking thing from Palm folder. Click on Conduit Manager, thinking that that's the configurator thingy, discover that that pops up the "Preparing to synchronize..." dialogue. Hit the HotSync button on the cradle ... hey, it's working! Watch it sync, and exit normally. Think, okay, it's substandard but at least it's a possible way to get it working. Try repeatedly and *completely* *fail* to perform whatever goat-sacrifice under a new moon whilst painting symbols on self with the blood of a virgin and snail slime magic resulted in it working at all. Even try to reproduce the interval of time between clicking Conduit Manager and thinking "Oh, it's that; I should hit the button" and actually hitting the button. Of course it doesn't work. That it ever worked at all was only to taunt me. Hate. Portable digital fucking overgrown portable Minesweeper. Gadget. hatefully, --s. 0 - I'm *SURE* it's not Oracle Calendar's fault. After all, it's such a stunningly well-done piece of -- gritting teeth -- software that it couldn't possibly have managed to fuck up all of my HotSyncing just by dropping in a couple of conduits. Oh, no. Oracle Calendar is certainly above reproach. Not that it makes me want to change my password to "IFUCKINGHATETHISPIECEOFSHITandIHOPEYOUCRACKTHISPASSWORDSOYOUKNOWITTOO" or anything, but that's so long and any time you make an error typing your password and hit backspace, it helpfully erases the entire fucking string because you couldn't possibly know that you only fucked up the last one or two characters and only actually need to erase back that far. No, I *love* Oracle Calendar. It's beyond reproach. Really.
From: sabrina downard Date: 21:49 on 30 Mar 2005 Subject: Deliberately Nonspecific Hate. HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE. All I want is to make it[0] go. Does it want to go? No. It does not want to go. It wants to taunt me and crash and eat its configs and crash some more and taunt me some more and stick out its tongue and blow a raspberry at me. And then bloody crash again. It will not go, and I am powerless against its will. As of today, my official two most hated phrases in the English language are as follows: 1) It shouldn't have done that; and 2) That should've worked. "Hmm" follows a close third, narrowly edging out the time-honored favorite, "You People." As in, "Can't You People do [anything] right?" HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE. --sabrina, whose pager is fully functional, but might not be so very much longer -- if not by its will, then by my baseball bat's[1][2]. [0] - Replace "it" with whatever software package you can imagine. I'm sure the hate still applies[2]. [1] - Although I really need a cricket bat. I feel that re-enacting "Shaun of the Dead" would be really satisfying, at the moment. SMASH! SMASH! SMASH! [2] - -- That was over a year ago, and I've got *far* more power in my swing now.
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